My own software
All programmes uses Russian messages and help. Don't hesitate to contact me if you want them to be in English.
Graphic drivers and russian fonts.
Are required by most of my programs. Please unpack them to the directory where my programs are located.
Support files for protected mode in Borland Pascal.
Are required by some of my programs. Please unpack them to the directory where my programs are located.
Statistic calculations "grStat".
Documentation in Russian.
Briefly about features of program grStat:
Расчет показателей динамики динамического ряда.
Расчет заданной модели для данного динамического ряда
Оценка соответствия данного динамического ряда заданной модели.
Оценка соответствия различных моделей данному динамическому ряду.
Построение графиков исходного динамического ряда и рассчитанного исходя из заданной модели.
Оформление рассчитанных показателей динамики динамического ряда в виде таблицы.
Оформление рассчитанных оценок соответствия данного динамического ряда заданной модели в виде таблицы.
Оформление рассчитанных оценок соответствия различных моделей данному динамическому ряду в виде таблицы.
Saving results to file on disk.
Printing results on printer.
Program for students that make laboratory works or diplom projects concerning prognosing and determining mathematics models.
Program to teach and control knowledges of students regarding calculating of base plans(?) to solve transport problem "transt".
I recommend it for students, studing "Mathematic programming", topic "Transport problem". Contents:
Method of north-west angle
Method of minimal element
Method of double preference
Calculating of net graphic(?) using Critical Path Method "grCpm".
Search of function extremum using gradient method "grGrad".
Programs for calculations on securities "inv2txt" and "portf". For processing quotes received from Internet(Microsoft Investor) and counting of optimal security investments. I used them in my diplom project. Good programs! 30-50% annual income.
FidoNet tic-processor for fileechos "Tic Manager". This version is for points. To get version for nodes contact me by E-Mail.
Smart searching of changed files on your disk and packing them into one daily created dir "SaveAll".
Very suitable for synchonizing directories at home and at work especially for databases.
Disk catologizing, search of same files, changes from previous run and more "diskcnts".
Program for restoring of files using previously calculated diffs "CrcDiff".
Very suitable for transporting and refreshing of large databases that have fixed structure.
Program that work with Pascal sources "All In One" v. 1.07 dd 19990309.
Program that work with Pascal sources "All In One" v. 1.09 dd 19990330.
Smart combining(only needed) all Borland Pascal used unit's sources in one.
Transforming unit into library - if you have ever do it you know what it is.
Copying sources of all units used by stated program/unit into stated directory.
Changes English names to russian in messages "RusNames" v. 1.03 dated 19990526.
Changes English names to russian in messages "RusNames" v. 1.04 dated 19990530.
Changes English names to russian in messages "RusNames" v. 1.08 dated 19990827.
Changes English names to russian in messages "RusNames" v. 1.09 dated 19991007.
Make a pleasure to addressee! Skip noisy lines from incoming messages! Customisable filtering of headers, footers and any kind art of lamers. Long life our keyboards and nervous! Greatly improved version. Dos & Win32 versions. Oriented for Fidonet. Instructions are inside.
Software for Windows
Automatic multyline Internet downloader(http) "LoadWeb" v. 1.00.
Last updated at: 1999.10.09, v. 3.7